New York! Just wanted to let you all know cos iam dead excited but i have just won tickets to new york off fantsy football.GET THE FUCK IN!!!:D...
John Kelly Night Was just wondering what time the doors close for this night?My problem is that iam at work til 2am that friday and was wondering...
I think will is a fucking trumpet posh cunt
Scott Bond What set will bondy be doin at promise on the 8th?Just been on the Shacks web site and he is also playing there on the same nite, any...
the promise birthday bash in april i think is when the next classics nite is followed the next week with corvin dalek and picotto
I know the one ur on about but i cant remeber the name
Cheers GH, if the others cant remeber there was a post asking for suggestions for this as the Foundation is having a rufurbishment in the summer!
whos on @ promise the night b4?
PROMISE 3rd Floor Development Whats the plans then for the new floor has anyone heard anything?
Got to be Sasha with that expander/cowgirl remix top tune!
Bank Holiday Bashes Any chance of Promise doin events on bank holidays?Just an idea guys what do u think?
very proggy m8 but its quality
James Holden E-Mix 20/01/02 How good was last saturdays e-mix?Top draw is the answer one of the best e-mixes i have heard for a while!! :D :D...
Is is a top tune i think the deep dish remix is the best though followed by creamer
just at smoke machine now must be only the second track in i think
Tiesto Emix 2001 Just downloaded this sounds quality so far any 1 else heard it?
Air Max 95 Just got myself a brand spanking new lumee yellow pair of these FANTASTIC! :D
Dave Seaman Will Dave Seaman be making an appearance @ Promise in the near future?
Sundays @ Space nuff said!:D
Dont think they have been in the last couple of months. Its just a query that all.:)
Separate names with a comma.