here here, never heard of the bloke,and i suppose most of the punters apart from the few on this board have also. not saying he's no good but not...
funny as fuck.but seriously whats the crack with mc's, there is no need for these fucking idiots shouting over the top of the tunes like bloody...
Yeah its at Turnmills on a Friday nite,it gets totally chocka and u walk out totally drippin but the tunes are class,well there were the last time...
Jules was fucking shite that night thank god for Hardwick,jules looked totally dis-interested
So do u play friday and Sat nites?do renaissance still do a nite there?Do u ever go to the Gallery's?Thats a blinding club goes on forever. As...
yeah that sounds about right.he went a bit pete tong after he got the cream slot!Is the cross still as gud as it was back then?is it still really...
fuckin hell smart e,totally fuk'd on that last link!Funny as FUCK :-)
u play the cross in london simon?its a fucking blindin place, went to a clockwork orange party there back in 99 when seb f played class
Re: Whos the daddy? I know nowt about decks but i know Carl Cox uses the above pdx 3ds so they must be shit hot!
any one seen those black and grey air max 95's?wot do u reckon of them?
i can do it at work in 2hrs cos its broadband but i get fucked off the administrator cos the file size for the scott bond emix was 109mb!!!
cheers m8,do they have any of the essential mixes on there do u know
Audio Galaxy Downloads How long does it take people on average to download from this site?When i try to download it only does about 4%every hour....
4am Finish Can the club decide on the night whether they are goin to finsih at 4 as opposed to 3am since they have a permanant 4am licence.So say...
Fair enough.When were u in ibiza
Tenaglia Any chance of this Legend playing i know that Sugar Shack had him booked late last year but he pulled out cos of the Plane incident.So...
whats that mean sos if iam a bit behind with this
Both of the Sasha GU cds are quality 9 and 13. Any chance of him playing promise again i know he has said he wants to play loads more gigs this year??
didnt think they would however cheesy it is now back in 99 it was the fucking daddy for a short while.
Sasha GU9 SanFran total quality from the man like!! or maybe Gatecrasher Wet not sure both class
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