Best part of that set was when he dropped 99.9 - organ donors, place was buzzin, that was the set that got me into scot project stylee!!:)
Yeah hope so, last 2 times he's played have been awesome, especially the gig last year in sept 02!! Caught the end of his set in march 03 which i...
S.H.O.K.K. Marco V Dj Scot Project Armin Van buuren Paul Van dyk Signum
I guess so!! Heard off the gk board their might be 1 on in march 2004!!!
gk newcastle Just been looking at scot projects dates, and theirs 1 for him playin at gk newcastle on the 25th this month, is this true, coz i'll...
Anyway..... changin da subject a lil, but what do ya's think of pete robinson, he's a gud m8 a mine n i was wonderin what ya's think of him!!
So is scot p playin hardstyle seys at the mo or not?? Cant wait 2 see him at da boat!! His style rocks!!
Oh well i didn't no it was hardstyle, guess i like hardstyle, it just said in the reviews hard trance, scot p stylee!! I like some hardstyle but...
Yeah that's it, starts off pretty well, then wen it gets to the breakdown they startin addin loadsa bassline samples which is poop!!!:mad:
Latest tune's that i've purchased are ; lithium - where back, includes a A.S.Y.S remix which is fcukin wkd, & Stagediver - to my beat, samples...
From what i've been listenin 2, yeah i do h8 it, but people say that theirs some good stuff at the mo, so i'll ave 2 check them out!! But the best...
Well i aint heard scot project for a while now, last time a heard was at godskitchen telewest arena in march, so i wouldn't no whether he's been...
Hardstyle??? Personally it think it's 5hite, n i was wonderin what the rest of ya's think of the hardstyle craze in holland n that?? It's loadsa...
Ferry?? Who's on instead??
legato Maybe!! Thats where i got my copy from!!
Adam sheridan's tune!!! What a fcukin corker of a tune, an upliftin trance tune on purple eye!! Its on the forthcoming list at...
dk - murder was the base? Any 1 no where i can get this tune from???
for me it has to 1 of these, but it's too close to say which 1 scot project marco v matt hardwick eddie halliwell:D
First time!! First time at promise, thoroughly enjoyed it, matt was amazin wasn't familiar with the tunes he played, although i loved it when...
??? Whats on at the boat for new year???
Separate names with a comma.