Cheers Dave for putting me on the lineup. Well looking forward to this
Probs best make it tuesday:D:D
They smell of roses most the time but I'm sure I can cheese them up. Why, have you like?
Fraid not. Not many instructors do. The best places to try are the places that teach HGV and all that bollocks. I have no idea what they charge...
Absolute monster line up once again. I'm busy winding up my windmill for this one. Dave, can you give us any idea how far away this secret...
No problemo Adam. Story of everybodies lives at the moment. Give me a ring whenever you want and we'll arrange to go play in the traffic. :D :D
Cheers for the input Chase, I think. Haha :confused::wink::cool2:
should be a right old hoot
Defo winging my way down to this one. The Tyne is by far the coolest rave venue in Newcastle. And it's on my birthday. How did you know!?
Anybody need driving lessons? My name is Kai and I run Viking School of Driving. I am a fully qualified driving instructor by day, and raver/Dj...
Separate names with a comma.