errrr, during the marriage, he has threatened to kill me twice, ive floored him twice(once in a pub, once at home) and hes fucked my old p200...
ooh new anims? /me has a go :clap: :clap: :clap: GROUP HUG!! :hug: :wiggle: :bonkers: :tounge:
hehe, im glad someone loves em, cos i think their shit :rolleyes: But isnt their a forum for what DJ you want to see?
It cant be Inazghi can it? he would be too young?
Older Women What does everyone think about older women? I always grew up thinking id always want a younger woman, as thats what i always picked...
lol ooh errr, I always wondered why Consett was being overrun by gingers :p Nothing to do with me :rolleyes:
hehe aint Unis great :D i left Uni last year(Couldnt be arsed with it), they knew id left, but forgot to take me of the records and shit. So...
LOL! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: What was wrong with Taylor? he was a great manager :dunce: :dunce:
im glad i aint the only one who thinks the same. Sven ffs, sort it out!
i just seen the squad(been at work all day) Phil and Gary Neville! arrggggh, and Owen Hargreaves hes an overated pineapple too!
damn right! Fooking celebs, its a fooking disgrace!
2-3 years! I could have 2-3 kids by then! Its gunna be a tad late! :p
Pavel Srnikek(however u spell it) - NUFC Tino(or Faustino if you wanna be right) Asprilla - NUFC Chris Waddle - Sheff Wedd(HERO!!)
Well by looking at your avatar, i think your die a happy man :D
Re: The best ref in the world That guy is a legend!
Got to be Beattie and Rooney up front. Totally different players, but rooney could run onto Beatties headers. Beattie could do a Shearer for...
I usually go to sleep at 12, wake at 7, but im up during the night at intervals. Dunno why. Im going to bed later now though cos of the darn...
YOu know what kind of virus it is? Got it sorted yet?
Id imagine his DVD sales and the like will go up a hell of a lot. And to think David Blaine wont have a clue, hes gunna be well chewed when he...
I suppose its better than being from Leadgate aint it :rolleyes:
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