Never heard any of his stuff but he is one scary mutha:devil2:
Stinkys is under new management now and has changed the names from "stinkys peephouse" to "the peephouse" :lol:
Definately!!! When you're having a great night you totally lose track of time... When Craig Richard played at Mint a few weeks back the club...
Trust me if the clubs you went to were open till six you would take full advantage of it!!! I'm from Leeds and the three main clubs are open...
I still can't get enough of drop the pressure, but I know where you're coming from my mates get really pissed off with me cos I continually put...
I think its just cos when you're 21 you can do pretty much anything you can drink in any country, you can drive in any country, you're officially...
Alter Ego cannot be compared with kinda new surely??? Alter Ego is genuinely pants :wanker:
I think Tuesday nights programme was good I like the way they interviewed users from across the board and not just skanky prostitutes to make it...
Nic Fanciulli is wicked he made his debut to Leeds at a night called rudenot2 and he totally tore the place apart!!! Saw him at creamfields as...
Totally agree with this when I went to Global Gathering there was soooooo many fat girls wearing cyber "revealing" gear its WRONG!!! :cry:
I'll be there this summer for 4 months yeah baby!!! Can't wait :D
I think Tiefschwarz are amazing last time I saw them they rocked And the remix of kinda new for me could never ever be overplayed its FAB :)
Ritchie Hawtin Carl Cox Mr C (more tech house but still wicked) Magda Derrick May Terry Francis (again Tech house but wicked)
I'd go for people definately!!! I think maybe people that prefer animals/the company of animals may tend to be slightly odd :bonkers:
Buy it NOW... Like all of Carl Coxs stuff it is pure class
Look I don't even know you Heather and to be quite honest I couldn't give a fuck what you say about me so I just wanna say this: You need to...
I finish at five o clock tomorrow night :cry:
# Its a night that a friend of mine promotes that had Justin Long and Chris Duckenfield playing last month
Hey Kieron, How you doin Its Sam Ollies mate you met me at Madhatters the other week... hope you're ok anyway Just wanna say I totally...
Separate names with a comma.