My mate has had to go for a CAT scan and loads of tests at hospital theres still a canny nasty lump on his head. Hes looking at a canny claim I...
Ive always assumed it was Pike/Teknofish. Same sense of humour and all round banter.
:up: Well said that man. Ive met more people by going to house parties and stuff lately than I have when out clubbing.
I have grown sick of club clubbing but still retain my love for the music (and the drugs). Its all about house parties, outdoor raves and events...
He'll be ok think hes looking forward to having a week off work to be honest :lol:
He is going to citizens advice tommorow to see about putting a claim in, doctors have signed him off work for a week.
Shindig Last Night.. Did anyone who was at Digital last night see one of the speakers fall? It landed on two of my mates and they ended up in...
Sis - Trompeta Is this getting released? Theres a video on youtube of Luciano shoeing a tent at Circle Of Love all over with it. Its this years...
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