The usual penalty for an SP30 is 3 points and £60 fine. If you're way over the speed limit the fine and points could be higher. That mostly...
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Ok. My idea just dont be surprised when people kick off with you cos they took it the wrong way :D
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Ok. My idea i thought i was being helpful by pointing out to you the way people would take your post :D I thought you...
pms?? :D
Re: Re: Re: Ok. My idea See Jimi someone else has took it the same way as me already :D
They normally involve whinging. That's always predictable
You're so much better than the rest of us aren't you :rolleyes:
The beginning was mint. Shame about the rest of it though :( I might wait a few weeks before I watch it again. I think it's much better when...
My suggestion would be for all the people who're whinging about the board being shite / there being a council and new mods instead of Rob all fuck...
Re: Re: Turbulence 27th oct It's not Yvonne's bday but she's out :D :D You've gotta come :love:
No way should it. It's just about the only form of dance music that gets me out nowadays :D
Fri - nowt Sat - work, driving lesson then nowt Sun - out for a meal for my mam's birthday
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: I think I might resign if you get in
Don't know where I got that from :confused:
Just get Frenchie in :D
why do u think i also said im not gonna act from the say so of one council member I was under the impression the council were in charge of the...
you have no idea how tempted i was last night they all piped down soon enough when their baiting didnt work though :lol:
All I have done is act on a request from a council member to weed the random posts out of the ideas thread I didn't feel any of the piss taking...
Happy birthday fella :D Dave wants to know if you want some pegs :lol:
Separate names with a comma.