as i said he is still a specticle and also like i said he plays a lot of the old style trance that people listened to b4 ibiza and all that....
FAO An@rchy Ade mate is my black jacket at ures somwhere mate......? i would of put this in a private msg but couldnt be arsed with the...
naaaa mate not u unless u were makin a statement.
im sick of gettin the knock bak now like im never speakin to u again u selfish bastard :lol:
nailed to the cross for having the very first club night drinkin wine and eatin bread and givin thanx tio some imadginary bloke in the...
weather i was aloud bak in or not i would still like to see oakey as he hasnt been this far up for a while and as ive said ive seen jk and corvin...
in that case u should be tooo si.
sour puss anyone doing my christmas tradition on christmas eve where me and a couple of my mates do the 12 bars of christmas. We drink 3 of...
trust you to put summit like this up.
i was there was a belter dunno with oakey all the time he is just a specticle he is good when u see him theres no dobut about it its his style...
PVD picotto debut matt hardwick (pvd night he was missing) i find its not the djs but the atmosphere and also what happens b4 and after the...
im sorry for wanting a change of scenery ive been goin to promise a lot longer than most peeps on the board and in almost 3 years ( cause yes i...
im not goin ive seen these djs like 5-6 times each so im of to sugarshack with clarki to see oakey.
remember to keep some money for sunday trading this weekend gona be a belter.
happy bifta mate hope ure havin a good one.
i think i might now like i thought it was mint like had fun i think im gona wear summit really mad on my birthday @ godskitchen.
and crasherbiatch
me and clarki in duncans cyber and i was dancin on the table fuk man was i that pissed....................... clarkis fault we drunk a pint...
Re: Re: Your dying wish? LMFAO:lol:
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