Mr. Revel, dave got cloudwalkin & ice-cream today, wanted to play them on his decks but his door was locked! *gutted*
so come on then, pitures pictures!!!!
me too, the've done some amazin stuff!:D
god im good!:king:
ahem one-eye master! it may be a hard dance night but armin wont play hard, its not him! ha!!! and at sunrise, i did no such thing, i was...
erm? i dont fink so dude! 1. i aint no trendy. im cool! 2. i have never wanted a mo-hawk! EVER! 3. Mr. Revel? dont get conned into...
Re: stunners!! totally true! well i dont do now cus im taken, but no man can say they dont go out for the girlies! (if single - or unfaithful)...
that was fat my dear!!!!
the autopsy was abosolutely amazin! it showed practically everthing! ppl were complaing about the autopsy, but i cant see anything wrong with...
ohhh suit you sir oohhhh ohhhhh:eek:
yes dave wot have i told you? no shoutin in the library! *idiot* ppl r tryin to do essays in here and want to get a degree! including me!
dave shouts *yes* across the library!
once again i went to get another book from the shelf and dave sabortaged my commie! *bastard* im workin all weekend! sorry dude! no more...
u not fancy spending a weekend in with me again moz??? had a class time last week!!!;) :love:
sorry man! workin again my friend! need the cash! wot are your plans? u goin to promise? was thinkin about cumin but im at work at 9 in the...
sorry dude cant help you there, but i reckon graham norton looks a bit like you?!:rolleyes:
money is the source of all evil!
153! wot score is good and wot is bad?
i watched it but didnt keep score!
spill the beans then?
Separate names with a comma.