hav 2 admit would love to see this guy!:D
i knew i could wind u up. i never said i liked HH did i! u have to be careful in the accusations u make now snage u will never make a lawer
hav a different opinion to ya all on this one i would love to see marco v. john k, corvin, tiesto and van b rank high on the list though
just wouldnt b saw deed wif u
at the end of the day it's up to promise who they book and who they do not book. u go to see who u want and come and go as u please, nobody forces...
i recon if u drain batistutas hair then u would hav enough greese to bake chips for the world
it looks like veron is more concerned about snapin a nail than gettin hit in the cobblers:D
clarki if u ever put a link on like that again i will kill u. i clicked on the site and my ears have been wasted that is class A pollution. NO...
u will hav 2 get one fast i've been told there sellin like hot cakes
clarki u should get the new mix mag or ministry cant remember which one it is but thats irrelevant as there is a free cd on the front mixed by...
cool pics spud like the one with me + snage keep em comin:p
i once saw dj alligator do a set in the middle of eldon square right next to the water fountai. he was fuckin awsome he had all the rockport...
just remembered as well eddie pleyed - club bizare got the crowd goin
nice to meet ya 2. Dr mick was canny as well. have to meet more of u crazy lot. till next time.....
Tunes from fri Friday was one ov the best nites ever @ promise jk + eh were both on top form. seen a few peeps from the board canny funny,...
it doesnt matter what the man plays his tunes are always class
comin to think of it am sure seen tad under the stairs last fri shakin his stuff to music non stop:D
and how come if u eat your crusts u get curly hair, when unless droped bread has no hair
i am no marine biologist so dont know if its just goldfish wouldnt think so though. and there have been a few friday nites when i have seen...
scientific blunder if eating fish is proven to enhance our brains how come that scientists belive that fish only have a memory of around 2...
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