did any one notice when they had the press conference half way through a tea lady poured a cup off tea when souness was talking , now that was...
it sed this morning he had @least a week 2live !!! @least he had good innings !!! RIP
what a f**king load of shite !!!! bowyer & dyer can go f**k off !!!!!:evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:
well of course ur dog would have lashed out @ him it would have pissed him off being disturbed while he woz prob sleeping in front of fire ,...
bet ya its an april fool !!! thnik bout it a GERMAN club buys ENGLAND captain come on !!!:D
well looks like the real england has resurfaced (sp) again !!! & joe cole for wide left dont make me laugh !!
just heard on the news , poor bastards !
well b4 98 coz dat woz when i woz last @ "old skool" !!! joke !!:p :p :p :D :D
my wisdom teeth hurt like fook but it was bearable pain if u know wot i mean ?! now my nashers are fine !!!:D
sod all im so ill off da drink frm the wkend ! plus its horrible weather outside !!
good result which i expected really !!
to be brutal &honest sum ppl r like that ! they jst want2 rub ur nose in it , just 2show what ur missing !! and yes women r worse than men for...
well campbells injured so its gotta be ferdinand & terry ! but if woodgate and campbell were fit id have them 2 !! woodgate reads the game much...
Re: The Laughing Stock Of The Premiership Is to be honest im glad !!! about time it happened to them instead of them (footballers) doing it 2...
im sure that was in nuts mag couple of weeks ago ?!
steve howey was mint but he was always sodding injured !
well i dont care how good his form is , hes still a prick in my books !!!! ( no im not a mackem ) :D
well i think hes a great role model..............on how not to be a footballer !! hes a f**king toss pot , he is just scum in my books and...
2-1 toon win !!:D
stuart pearce is taking over till the end of the season !
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