Does the Les stand for "Lesley" i do hope so !!!!!
Slap my ass big lad.................
Does he still own the tash we all loved and cared for ??
Re: After NEC.... Unfortunatley i will be on a coach totally ruined preparing for the worst journey ever.
" To me" " To you"..............great institutes of British comedy, whatever happened to them ???
At last some love being spread on the Promise message board (wipes tear from eye)
I need to get my fat arse back to Promise its been to long, have not been since before i went to Ibiza in July not good at all, i had never missed...
Each to their own man, i can never understand people who get really bothered by it and are anti gay, why arse yourself that much about being...
I see so there must of been message board meet up nights in Promise / Quality in the past, that will explain why your all one big happy family !
Its easy the way they look at it is look at all the lovely men the UK have.
Re: Champions League Have my fingers crossed for you mate, would be great to see Celtic get through and Arsenal not.
Quick Question I have been using this message board for a few months now and i have noticed alot of people know each other on here socially. Is...
Hi Hi Sailor
Why does anybody like the feeling of there head imploding ????
It has to be without doubt sitting in Cafe Mambo with a bottle of Corona in my hand watching the most spectacular sun set in the world..........
For you guys trying to meet up inside NEC be warned i tried to do this with some mates last year and because there are so many people under one...
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHA fair play i suppose, each to their own and all that.
There is no doubt in my mind 90% of the lads on here would not mind a roll around with les's girlfriend like :)
Yeah i think he could be here all night trying to explain the point he was trying to make, its funny how to some people its easy to see and others...
Oh shite yea, i got into trouble for that had to apologise to Allies girlfriend, in all fairnes they both where nice i was just having a larf !
Separate names with a comma.