Guttered, I aint been clubbing at all this year and cant comment on any djs at all, total lack of funds...hopefully with me comin back sweden...
Dave Pearce:rolleyes:
I think Richardson will be a good addition to the England squad, n I'm glad he's went back to Man Utd as It'll make him into a much better player.
Utter shit like, not sure what their defence was playing at, was gonna vote for Newcastle but they were unlucky like, shame because they started...
:lol: :lol: ...I thinks right laugh when people from the North East go on, as they make complete utter idiots out of themselves. Good fun tho:D
I'm in Given Dawson Gallas O'Shea Upson Reo-Coker Davids Lampard Cisse Bent Rooney
Emre News just in... (it's not good news folks) Newcastle United are set to lose out on Turkish star Belozoglu Emre to Premiership giants...
trance, hard trance, hardstyle, hardhouse, techno:love:
Sorry people thats me bein a twat last year, didnt realise I was that bad :(...
Today Well whats everyone upto today then?? I'm goin fucking fishing this morn :rolleyes:, hopefully on the way I'll find some swedish dogging...
It's a fucking job mate, I cant be fussy atm in my current situation
I wont be taking an assessment or anythin, just straight into a temporary contract which could lead onto permanent:D :D
2Touch I'm starting my new job on the 12th September for a place called 2Touch in Doxford Park, and wondering if anyone works there or nearby...
Go to and click on maps, then go from there :D
Re: where do you most want? Exactly the same mate, i'm fascinated by there culture like and agree about the talent aswell.
Aye when I've got plenty of £££ which i'm lacking of atm:evil: :evil:
Cant wait to see Marcel Woods and Jon O'Bir as I aint seen them before:D
It have to be either shattering my big toe when dropping a massive iron bar onto it when opening the store up, or taring all ligaments in my ankle...
Separate names with a comma.