They have done - error had rimini and suono in the backroom, disco noir had bread and circus in the backroom ect..
Your Dec07/Jan08 one is shit hot mate..fancy reuploadin it for us?..i gave my cd of it to a mate
Unless i get any better offers (thats probably a yes then..)
Geoff didnt say that though :rolleyes:
Shit hot this cd used to play it all the time
Cheers for the advice i'll have a listen , wasnt aware they existed till you mentioned them. p.s if nightclubs suck why are you on a clubbing...
That was the first id heard of them..I was 10 when fat of the land came out. Obviously not a real fan.
got the saturday off work i think so il be along for this lads :beer:
power tool your a twat, stop putting safety winks in aswell you puff
im goin to have to go see hernan, still never seen him!
he was quality at habit like, dont think il be along tho im skint :( I hope everyone sent loving thoughts towards her
Youve probably already made up your mind on where your going tonight but smokin jo's on at the arena in boro..would probably be up your street??
The music is hit n miss but theres always plenty of nice femme about
Sounds vile, last time i went to tall trees some massive sniffed up meathead bit my back i had teeth marks on the fucker for a week. Not my idea...
your not looking hard enough, have fun at retro bint features
decent this mix like, if you dont like eddie richards your a massive puff imo
does my head in this like..seems like a lot of people stop playing tunes when they are a few weeks old or sumat, i love hearin old stuff. Agree...
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