Re: Re: Re: msn... i didnt accept them this tym :D
Re: msn... i got a few ppl who added me. dunno who they r like
:lol: :up:
at exactly the same tym as mine :D
yea ive got it. class film like. i cudnt stop laffin :up:
:rolleyes: not agen :D :love:
in 1 eposode they put a locked off cam in a room. wen they playd it back faster n the bed n chair ect. all moved :o thats bout the only thing...
i dunno y that happened. i only dun it once. :confused: u shud feel lucky, gettin 3 hugs :p
awww :hug:
:lol: :love: :hug:
no jus a :love: 1.
we jus hav private arguement in the threads. :lol: i luv ya really babe :love:
:rolleyes: wierdo
do u really want evry1 on here knowin wot'l go on in our bedroom??coz i dnt. :D ill let ya know later :love:
i can sorta rememba. :D
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