As long as it dont taste like blue wkd cos that is the rankest thing eva made
Would U find it off puttin if a girl said "fuk me now"??
Thanku. :) Will try the gatorade.
Cant drink nemore booze cos got none left. Unless u count the stuff spilt on the carpet. And iv had nuff water. AAAAAAA just found out i...
I need..... A good hangover cure. There was a thread bout this b4 but cant b arsed lookin. Any1?:spangled: :spangled:
My m8's on RISE. He's the one with the arm sling. Just thought id let u know.
Stop flirting:rolleyes:
Exactly. Its started. Get ova it. It aint nice but bloody shoutin into a megaphone " what do we want.......peace, wen we want" aint...
Theres a huge demonstration goin on atm up here. Its all 15 yr old kids. WTF do they know, they just want an afternoon of school.:rolleyes:
Just ad a sandwhich nd im off to the gym 4 a swim. Hope i dont sink
Smoooooth:cool: :cool: :p It aint so nice 2day. Oh well thats our summer been and gone:lol: :(
Pity its still bitchinly cold in the mornin nd evnin though but hey all in good time:D :D
Hot Duno bout newhere else but it was luurrvly and hot up in bonny Edinburgh 2day. The skimpy clothes are already makin an apearance:D :D :D
U lost weight since i seen u last:eek: :p :p
u eat weird ice cream
Looser:rolleyes: So wat are the buck teeth supposed 2 b???
:dunce: :dunce: :dunce:
:lol: :lol: :lol: U just embarresed urself by knowing that:)
Separate names with a comma.