Whats ur prison name? Well..... http://www.rockim.com/bitchname.php Im Nut Buster...... :rolleyes:
Poloroid....So Damn Beautiful However.....my current fave is Pulser - My Religion
Re: Re: Vicky - Eastenders lmbao Put down the bottle & walk away hahahahahah
Vicky - Eastenders Wasnt she American last week??? WTF has happened to her accent?
Ooopss sorry, but im just not sure if ur all taking the piss or dead serious!!!!.....so i thought this wud clear it up....obviously not!!!!...
Who's the biggest twat On the board?
Who's ur Fave DJ? Im an Armin fan.....wat about u lot?
Whats your fave music genre? Dont cop out & say u like everythin!!!! 1 nite out, what would u choose 2 listen 2..... I AM A TRANCE...
Ive got a mate who goes 2 the bomb a lot......!!!! so im not completely un-educated!!........(not completely!!!) Not sure i cud do it 4 a...
Lol....o dear.....anythin louder/harder than hard trance makes my ears bleed.....its a medical fact;) I really cant stick Hard...
Har de Har har.....a sense of humour :D :lol:
The very same!!!
Nooooo hes up & down....the set the other wk.......started with really pink, fluffy uplifting & actually got a bit hard then he's lower it again...
ok 4 fear of u all takin the piss..... Armin van Buuren does it 4 me.......He played a 4 hr set at Passion a cpl of wks ago & played his ass...
A wife or The wife......naughty boy!!!! I love the giraffe!!!!
:) :chill:
U kno me?????......I really must start changin my name!!! So who r u??? (& FYI.....I travel 2 go clubbin aswell!!!)
Not been yet, but hey......open 2 offers!!!! Maybe when my DJ Buddy plays there i can play DJ Whore 4 the night!!!! lmfao :monkey:
Ive been watchin these all day with wet pants (from laughter) Hilarious....JimE....uve been made a legend!!!
A friend linked me here.....Im a PaSSion girly!!!! wat else can i tell ya....erm.....fave choon of the mo....Pulser - My Religion........
Separate names with a comma.