Re: Joe. jesus christ dan, how many threads are you and peter going to make about me? If you want to know who banned you ask rob to check the log.
andy rocks and forks. to see if they can hold their own without google :lol:
to see if you're as offensive to my face as you are behind your screen. same with jimi, everyone says he's sound in real life, yet he's...
all of us... we're relying on robs goodwill @ the moment.
I'd love to Dan, but my religion is one of tolerance :D
when you press download, does it not give you a save as option? I assume you mean rapidshare the website? And I'm assuming youre using...
crazy jimi oasis dan lee not all at the same time though.
Re: Downloads what program are you downloading with?
Contextually you were taking the piss out of my Jewish beliefs.... If a black man makes a joke about black men its not racist... If crazy jimi...
:lol: :lol: I fucking hate athes... they should fuck off back to their own country.
You can only compare like with like, east jerusalem is the majority old town.... when you move out of that on the otherside you leave Israel and...
what does that mean?
:lol: :lol: :lol: shut up dan.
marc ahve you seen convoy? whats your trucker name?
in turn asking me a question about my religion. :lol:
who iz the sickest deejay in nucastle?
haha I love how its the stupid cunts that tell me I go on and on and on about judaism, that ask me a thousand questions.
its only the written word... but street heebs tend to say gee dash dee.
we can takl about clubbing if you like breh? what are your views on speedcore?
to sanctify the name Dan, to sanctify the name.
Separate names with a comma.