But by todays standard those civilisations you speak of were immoral, of course the morality of todays society has been heavily influenced by...
That wasnt my point, I wanted to draw his attention to the fact he'd inherrited many of his morals (whether they were of religious or...
I believe they were a little more articulate... they were saying that at the beginning of time all matter was condensed into something the size of...
owned by vw :( £3 to leeds is immense :(
Penguin, a rotund, slavering beastie with flippers, played by Danny DeVito. Penguin, wrote Rebecca Roiphe and Daniel Cooper, "is a Jew, down to...
batman was an antisemite so thats out of the question ;)
the text is the interpretation... al the different views are wrote down in the talmud.
Religious leaders may have differing views but th Tanakh stays constant. I can only speak as a jew, the traditionas and rituals may of changed...
thats quite a religious mindset Psych, i too share your belief... but some scientists wouldn't. They'd tell you that by the age of 3 you'd...
the words I repeated pre-date science (as we know it).... I didn't twist anything. But the comment i made was tongue in cheek as its something...
I dunno you seem to express a deep rooted hatred of me. ps. yid army :king:
:lol: :lol: :lol: you're so funny andrew :love:
heres a deep thought for you pyscha; you stated you didn't need a [g-d] to tell you that murder is wrong.... I'll ask you why did you know this....
:lol: :lol: :lol: (there goes my street cred) cosmic expansion... how does this explain the conception of the universe, watching a baby grow...
interesting stuff were your parents hippies? The education system failed me so I'm always interested in alternatives.... ps. this only...
what evidence is there for the big bang andy? FUCK ALL. there are things that indicate that its one of many possibilities.... and there are...
It doesn't matter what school you went to si, you were taught someone elses beliefs; similarly it doesn't matter what your moral code is - you...
I'm not the one judging the standards by which you live... I'm not telling you your an idiot for believing whatever you believe... I'm not the one...
not at all si, I just can't be arsed to debate with someone too ignorant to see the hypocricy in his own statement. Your entire education was...
here's an idea... mind your own fucking business.
Separate names with a comma.