so theres a lesson to ya, if it looks like chewing gum and you need to munch....dont do it. fuck....shud take me own advice shuddnt i......
can i jst say that al looks more like will young with that avitar... the cheeky chappy.....aaaaaaaaaaaaaaauw bless!!!
book me and the moo cow 2 places on that there coach..... if i ever recover from red and black that is....not that im supposed to mention that...
hehehe! mikes avitar! hehehe, its messy BTW..............u fink i should censor him???? :D:D:D on second thoughts, no i wont.........he doesnt...
i muissed that one............ u used to go out wif nix didnt u???????
...and even if he dont win we can still nag the fuck out of radio 1 til they give him a slot!!! bowt time they had a clear out and got rid of a...
me n messy are going........fink just about every1 with an ounce of sense and no life threatening diseases are goin!! the huggy bear style word on...
the andy farley mix shitteth on all from a great height !!!! it is the mix!!!!!
the words of a murderer ladies and gentlemen. i think we cud do a trisha show on this... make messy take the lie detector test. you killed my...
cheers technofish..... al>>does oakey have roots? i saw him on sum prog about the birth of house when he was claiming to hve been in usa in...
...PvD's 6 hour sets at crasha are the stuff of leg-ends!! in days to come mental old folk will ramble on about when he played born slippy. or the...
corvin is a pornstar, matt a genius, richard's sorted. fin. back in the day................matt hardwick played 2 copies of zombie nation,...
im 'ill' today. ive always said a 2day sicky is more plausable than just 1 day off. im in bensham and i should be in manchester working. oh the...
here here for picotto doing a set... lets hope the good folks at the airport get his record bag mixed up with armin' could easily...
terry and phil are amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! terry got the short spikey hair... cany believe u dnt like him!! they got a bank hol spesh...
u can get em in diff tanks from the gadget shop. they come as dried eggs which u add to water, wait a few voila theyre small fishy...
David is a he not a she, well he's actually a he she but the He is more predominant than the she. so ner. the water got algae in it boot the...
while were on the subject of PvD, does n e 1 know that choon wot e played wot goes sumfink like... '...maintown u.s.a.......his job? sanitation...
i got the air pump, the diamonds, bananas., food, mating powder and the medicine but now no sodding monkeys!!!!!!! mine lasted 6 months and i got...
Sea Monkies **shock horror** my sea monkies are dead, they are no more, they have ceased to be. all 25 grahams big and small died over night...
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