:lol: :lol: :lol:
Re: new job You're asking if it's legal for them to not offer you as much as you think you should be paid? :lol:
Do you actually own a PS3? Or are you waiting to conclude the sale before getting one on tic?
Yeigo Anyone know anything about this? www.yeigo.com Seems simlarish to skype but with more functions. Quite tempted to give it a try.
Cos the place is a dump and no one goes there since foundation closed?
You'll have had a much better listen on the telly than someone who was actually there too.
Could get the IMEI number off the phone and trace it that way. I'd just keep it though :up:
Tout à fait.
Not totally surprising to see racism being roundly applauded on nucastle.
You'd be more likely to get it if you realised it's just a pun about Down's syndrome and it doesn't matter who the fuck Greg Downey is.
Charlston 339ixMtHrVk
Re: BIGGER THAN JESUS on RADIO 1 So the first four tracks are about 20 minutes long each :o
Re: CeMAP Blatantly after a referral bonus for a bit xmas shopping.
Don't correct the lad. Brid's in his element misreporting snippets of news and apportioning blame left right and centre (mainly left).
I hope the mix is more interesting than the story behind it.
Ooops. YouTube- M.A.S.K. cartoon intro
What do you mean, not into it now??? <object width="425" height="355"><param name="movie"...
Separate names with a comma.