ooooooooooooooooooh! happy bday hun!! :) mwa!
valentines day innit so less mike has summat planned for me.:rolleyes: thatl be me 1st time back at promise :):):)
i had a dream my leg fell off :( wots wrong wif me?? y cant i have nice dreams like u guys? :(
AND SNOOKER! they always use tunes
obviously some stay respectable n wouldnt entertain printin shit like that. each to their own innit. as long as theres an audience........
depends on the papers.
mmmmmmmmmmm....sunshine n shops!
have heard some good reports about the club, me mate lives in hull-or used to.
Re: back bed room ! oooooooooooooh! mint! :D
anyway.....i wasnt referin to st james....just the normal crap every1 else will be doin while im not here :D
hahah!! im a girl!! wot u expect me to say!! *sniggers!!*
aye but theres 6 photographers....... im happy wif this anyway....better workin away than over here innit!! :)
i was gunna go, but spent too much money the nite b4!! soz roz hun :(
im off to cologne :) hehe! just found out im off to take pix of the footy!! get in!! :):):):)
exactly. its wot sells papers. so shouldnt the boot be on the other foot so to speak?? is it not our need for a gritty story of some1 elses...
Si Read Ya Pm Chuck! .
grrrrrrrrrrrrrr looks like i missed a good nite then?? :( waaaaaaaaaaaaaah!
hehe! will do!! feel much better now anyway!! gotta admit i feel sorry for all those peeps i took pix of today....they musta been gassed by me...
hahah!! im at work.....dont think it would go down too well!! ne mind!! il just get mike to cook me nice comfort food 4 wen i get home!! :D
ahaha!!! that would be fun actually! s'long as ive had a few cans of redbull inside me!!
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