ugh...i couldnt even look at a ciggy never mind a :chill:
well finkin bowt it...spose not wen u pay summat in the region of that for concerts n fings i take it back! id just rather spend £30 on...
haha! bless, nah its just coz i is gettin older, n more borin i spose :(
MMMMMMMMMMM..................fry up, soopa noodles, gettin me appetite back now!! will keep the berocca in mind tho for next time!! cheers...
any1 got any mad hangover cures?? help!! if anybody is daft enuff to be out of bed at this time like me gimmi some help n tell me wots gunna make...
Re: Favourite Breakdown? aye it is a fab breakdown my favs gotta be binary finary :) give me goosebumps everytime
no, i think they look like children now. i used to love lads wif spikey hair n cyclin tops n that..........:rolleyes:
argh! thats too scarey!!!!
id like to say 'not me' but i have the worst hangover this mornin after drinkin far far too many of them bloody cocktails in revolution:cry:...
£30?! thats a lot innit!! fink il pass on this :)
no doubt il be there takin pix AGAIN! maybes i should run it to get out of it!!...
lots of piercings in ears. belly, and tongue also done.had to take eyebrow ring out for wrk tats..2 on me shoulder, one on me hip, crasha lion...
i spose,.....coz thats wot im becomin!! hahah!! yeah please si, itl save me buyin em!! i'll get some discs too!!:p
lol@grumpy knees..........we could all link n make a train around the outside n just pull u along?
we're just gettin older and a new generation is takin over....its not about us no more, but them. they create the new looks etc....(or just copy...
its probs quite cheap.......then i reckon boozes in the baltic afterwards
was still workin this morn:confused:
same as..........but i never go on
its rite next to the baltic!! si.....try drag others out then!! fink we not be goin til afternoon anyway........... ........tho i...
manly power tools! dont spose any1s got some i can borrow? i need a drill & a sander!
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