he was in Mix Mag last year quoting he could make about 10,000 to 20,000 a night in the states
which venue?
that sounds well cool u should try and flog some if it was alright with Mark
well said, didnt know that part
havena clue what mels is, will text u chris though and he will give you mels
happy birthday m8 its Mavericks 21st on Friday along with Promises 2nd
cool, talking about t shirts does anyone know where i can get t shirts printed with own designs on them
go to www.stor.co.uk
Its because they make the dosh from albums, big arena events and the SSSS i use to be am a part owner of the Newcastle Jesters (ice hockey...
i love messy weekends
he must mean the Promise babies
alright then maybe not
keep him away from burger fan as well
super clubs summed up
i sorry, head in sand
its like chinese whispers :p :p :p :p :p :p
Crasher obviously are doing soemthing wrong but as Mark said the smaller clubs have never been better off
dont worry gizmo me and karl will look out for spike and try to keep him away from people water and the loos
totally agree m8, well said Promise is Promise and stands on it's own, with it's pwn style and identiy
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