why is it that when you decide to take your 14 year old cousin somewhere for the day that it can get very expensive. Bus fare - adult price £4...
from college after this year its off to uni for me. possibly maths or physics or something that will give me access to joining the RAF to fly...
hows its altered? is there a yellow thing on the pocket ? and a thing coming outta his head like a green thing or summat?
yeah thats right i can remember getting a bunk up to the tinted windows for a listen off me mate, and she sounded rather hard, so we took our...
area 51, is it right that they have sunday morning clubbing on ? I'm sure that we nearly ventured in there after crasher one night. we...
like the first time i seen him at promise, the place wasnt too packed and i was glued to the front sending me mates to the bar for V&RB, it cost...
whats that one across the road from crasher ?
you wanna be scared in case you forget youve even got any!
secret is to drink a pint and a half of orange juice before going to bed, knock a coupla sleeping tablets into ya and when you awake saturday...
I suppose, I can see it starting up somewhere, I have a mystic meg type feel about these things. It aint just New York that dont sleep, I...
Sunday morning clubbing I dont know whats going on whether its because Im back at college and some old sleeping patterns are creeping in but...
and if tony de vit - reason, happens to be on in the background, it aint gonna be nice !
jeez didnt realise twas that old !
I was gonnna write a loada spiel but i'll probably forget half of it so I'll just say FCUK YEAH! :p - this thread has brought home a lot of...
if someone throws an issue at me i aint gonna let it lie, i got teeth, they throw a bone and its worth a chew i'll give it a go.
my mixer still aint here. I bought a mixer from sapphires on thursday. Delivery for friday. cool. it aint here and im getting worried....
okay allie, go into members and you will find ezeelad, not ezeelad83, that is me also, registered AUG 2002 ! :dunce:
just the usual flock of high peaked burberry caps matched ever so nicely with a dark moonshadow blue waterproof jacket, branded shoes that will...
tell me about it, the jobcentre in Alnwick, caters for people from Alnwick, Alnmouth, Warkworth, Amble, Hadston and REd row and also teh...
I'd rather not take it, reason being I did once and going to the job centre once a fortnight to talk to someone who is, more than likely, less...
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