PvD - Angel in Motion feat Degress!?!? Is this new or what I just picked it up today, nice vocals that match the pace of the tune !
bit of house...the roof, you say hes random so he might just bring a bit of is house along being the roof and chuck it in. oohh silly me, cant...
De ja vu, send her to Alnwick to meet lots like herself. Maybe make some friends and they can sit around the coffee table and talk about people...
its never gonna stop cos there are dossers all over the country who end up leaving school with no qualifications, then realising later on in life...
like the roof or summat?
any girls entering ?
Workers and claimers are the ones who are cheating the system. Most of the w&c's will only earn £200 a week doing fiddle work. They are also...
just d/l picotto dont you just hate it when your at a party and someone decides to put the telly on. well now i have found the answer. play...
maybe ?
your right mr sleepy, the sound was dubbed all around the country. My mate was at the toon matches and he heard a few names mentioned. I think...
you all know what this thread is about, dont read it if you dont want to. stop complaining about me and Joe complaining. simple.
i have wrecked me head Lee and I believe also that someone has to draw a line. I said that I would leave the board completley, only to come back...
All of these words do not fully convey how angry I am with Joe that he labelled me as something I am not and never will be. Joe has to be the...
I hear... Eddie Halliwell played a stonking set at the Arches last week. Anyone got this ? got a link ? awww cool. ;)
Re: dk - murder was the base? Free in a box of cornflakes!
who the fcuk brought the me and J thing to light. U. Ur pissed cos of the Jenny thing so what do you do run and tell on me. I did not mention a...
Well turned out to be quite eventful tonight. forgot that I had to go to a family MEAL !!! sisters off to york uni and I gotta gelp pack the...
phew, i find this morale boosting in every form! i aint apologising for anything, in fact, yes i am, for writing those things in the first...
riding his horse i believe
fcuk you ya twat chekc out the login in name registered as ezeelad, be it the same month you joined, you, and i quote, fool.
Separate names with a comma.