Spence mate I think you're onto a winner there ! At the end of the day zero tolerance ie long long jail sentences and huge huge fines shall...
u aswell, I didnt hear of anyone getting more than that. I think there is a bug in the programming. I dunno, when I tried to go into the...
If I had to go for one I would say the business assets one but to be honest I didnt get that question in my evaluation !!!!
my sis is off to york in the next coupla weeks !!!! You may see her going about, really pretty blnode thing and she has leg problems so she walks...
Shindig, Sat 20th, Last Tune bit cheesy cant remember what it was I was soo drunk ! anyone ?
wow duty managers. They hold some real power, I would be caking myself.
Im at college for 1 year then I got the whole student lifestyle thing coming the in the next few years. Im really excited !
are you at work now like fella ? I should have been but the weekend was a bit fat, therefore Mon and Tues were called on for recovery time....
Re: Re: Re: Re: Murder in local shop I was wrong !
speaking of phones I did a very noble thing on saturday night ! Some lad (whom I now know as Alex Laff, must have dropped his phone dancing...
Its a pity someone cant just press a button and fix it all.
oh that yeah got a new one now !
Re: Re: Re: Murder in local shop Flecks as he is the only one mentioned by name ?
non comprende !
so who do we put the blame on to for creating such vagabonds in the world today. My view is that it is all down to the parents. They dont look...
I was told from Fitzy that the camera's are the little black squares in the fire extinguisher signs. Is that right? I can only presume the...
For the first time in two years I went to Shindig on Saturady. Jon Carter played a niiiiiice set and I'm still trying to remember the tune that...
Murder in local shop This may be old news to some of you, but as I dont watch/read the local news as often as a used to. The story goes a...
Separate names with a comma.