if i was u id talk to me on msn or theres gonna b a rather embarressing montage posted in about 5 minutes :D every photo on my computer of the...
this year we are undecided as to when to open the presents, cos we're gonna do beccas 1st seperatly, but laura has to go to work in the...
i was seeing a lad but not nemore....no loss, he was a coke fiend. i much prefer my ketrat :) I LOVE MARTIN IAN GORDON WITH ALL MY HEART!!!
lol....looks like tinmar :p you love him too dont you karl! admit it! you want him too! I LOVE MARIN GORDON!!!
this will piss you all off but... martin martin martin i dont care if you lot hate me, i love him. i love martin gordon. martin martin...
no offence baba... but does ne1 else see the similarity between these 2 shirt designs? [IMG]
although ive never met mr martins new teeshirt...it should not be used for wiping your arse. its a teeSHIRT...not a teeSHIT. nehow, does no1...
cunt cunt martin martin :D:D:D
:D love the little geldolf angel floating around :D btw lee, will there be a newsletter on xmas and new years eve?
ive had a cd of his in my bag for over a week...i havent got round to listening to it yet...im starting to think i shouldnt bother. (im...
Merry Christmas Probably wont be on the computer again till boxing day now, (eep! whole 2.5 days!!!) so i hope u all have a good time over the...
i think paula would make a mint lesbian :drool: :love:
no, for all my work hes stolen and put his name on. i want credit for my design work and i want him to admit that im not a crap designer....
poor smog :( can someone please have a look at the amount of times ive said his name recently...its just nass being a prick...he says he name...
the other week Si was desperate for us to go skating at the life centre one. told him he should have gone with kid...he wanted to go last year...
fairytale of new york is my all time favourite...altho its not as good without the irish pub nemore:( used to love sitting there with my...
the guy who got pissed on by this bird? [IMG]
ok! i admit it! me and derek are lovers :rolleyes:
hes derek wilde, 23, lives in darlington and I HAVENT SHAGGED HIM (much) theres only one person on this board who knows how i am in bed :p
:o! no i didnt and not that derek! i heard the pounding im my head
Separate names with a comma.