fuck me how drunk was i wen i made this thread :D PARIO POO??:eek: :D
yeah saw it flyered all over but cudnt find the soddin place :( didnt make it 4 matty, actually i was lucky to make it to the square, had to drag...
lol! mint man, wkd. u look a total charv outside wif ur bottle :D
i think i'll just stay how i am :) i cant b arsed to buy a new shirt n get me hair styled anyways. heres to having no style forever :D
dus any1 ha any idea how u go bowt makin a bootleg? i got a wkd idea 4 1 but i dunno where 2 start or nowt :( any help appreciated :)
i like it! :D freq nasty, stanton warriors, bring it on! :D
actually i liked both of them, pvd booty makes the hair stand up on the back of me neck :) tocas miracle was good wen it was first gettin played....
lol, no probs :) MOVE, YOUR, ASS!! scooter's god :D
sonic blast man! wen i was away in benidorm i spent most me time lookin afta me bro n takin him 2 the amusements. this game gave me a chance to...
thats the above and beyond mix of 'what it feels like'. isnt bad actually, they did a class mix of deleriums 'underwater' too :D
hehe, u no u got a point :) now go 2 the room!
LMAO!!!! i'd hav been nice to u but im invisibl n ppl wud think ur wierd talkin 2 yaself ;)
birthday suit all the way :D
Re: ! OOH OOH!! *unsure how vocals go* all the birds in the trees n made it so wonderful.. and it was beautiful, magical :D i absolutely love...
:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: ............:D
any1 heard picotto vs. camisra - let me show you lizard? S.T.O.R.M.I.N.G.!.!.! :D
LMAO! welcome 2 the board m8. u no most ppl dont even no im here ;) *ahem (kerry)*
thats how much of an impact my presence has on ppl :rolleyes: :D
yeah twas wkd. dust mask n all. just wot i lik 2 c :D
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