56... Was this photo taken last night Brian?
56... No 56 for you then Lee? ;)
56... Such anger. No 56 for you little man! :tut:
Like this you mean... :bonkers: :crazy:
56... http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,85635,00.html In its latest "Big Mac index (search)," the Economist magazine found that a Big Mac in...
Chimp... After the GK Telewest event, we amused ourselves at an after party, for 5 solid hours, by replacing key words with chimp. e.g. The...
56... CleanLaugh Jokes - #56 http://www.cybersalt.org/cleanlaugh/archive/56.htm
56... Israel At 56: Still Under The Oslo Delusion http://www.thejewishpress.com/news_article.asp?article=3675
56... McDonald's eating up 56% profit jump...
56... Front cover of May's Mixmag. 56 killer new reasons to get spangled this summer. :o
21... Happy Birthday, Keeper of the Key to Chiselopolis! 21, you know what that means Mark... :angel3:
56.. No, not quite. It is part of the sum. Perhaps one day you will have a 56 of your very own.
Number One bus plus the place you work? 56.
56... Adult entrance to the Odeon? £5.60! :o
Venue... I played with Tom several times at The Venue in the early 90's. He was a great person. Rest in peace Tom.
I'm guessing... Is it Daniel Kerry? :wink:
Bunnies... Class! :lol: :lol: :lol:
Natural... I'm a natural born scootay rider. :lol:
56... Lisa received a bank statement, from an account that she has not used in years. The account total? £0.56p :o
Counter... The old 'cancelled' ploy is the councils standard action against flyposted posters. Don't ever let it fool you. :angel3:
Separate names with a comma.