djs wanted for internet radio staion part 2 well if you all send me an email with your details and i'll give you the address to send your mix to...
dj'swanted for internet radio station if any dj's want there mixs on my internet radio statoin reply to this plz:D
Has Anybody Heard Rythm Is A Dancer 2002 Yet has ne of you heard rythm is a dancer 2002 mix yet the cj stone mixes good for wat it is
ha ha ha ive got loads of private work by stretch from stretch and vern coz he's my cuz so i get shit loads of it i had that ne el'b's tune...
the 3rd is also a promo too with a ATB (utter shite) mix on all of which are up for sale at good offers
i have three of the rarest tunes 1st: a signed promo copy of urban train by tiesto 2nd a signed promo picture disk of im alive by stretch...
4 motions its over for me would be OK if it did have that b#*ch screaming in it nice bouncy tune all the same
CHEERS !!!!!!
p.s its a trance its quite a hard trance tune
can sum one tell me the name of this tune can someone out there tell me the name of that tune every dj seem's to be caning at the mo and possibly...
sounds like it needs a service:spangled:
fucking right i'll be there yer yer i'll be there alright its about time some one got of there ass and sorted south shields out for the better like
clubbers radio station WHY DONT YOU GUYS CHECK OUT MY RADIO STATION ON then select radio everything to do with the dance and hard...
Independant Artist agency I call to all you up and comming DJ's from far and wide. Whether you have the taste for funky house, or banging trance...
Separate names with a comma.