no hangover for me.. had a quiet night with my latest girlfriend, chinky and dvd... enjoy your hangover :lol:
wahey :cool:
marry me :love:
she is yep :p
# waaaaheeeey! i wanna be just like u :love:
:cyber: :chill: :angel: :evil: :love: :fart: :o :argue: :angel3: :angel3: felt left out.
haha retard.. i DONT take drugs :lol:
be mine please.. come round for tea :love:
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Since Ive been gone.... sheeeee was only 18 only 18 and i loved her sooo but she was too young to fall in love and...
friends..... u want because??
love u x
do friends pay my mortgage?? have orgasms on my account?? get me to work in the morning?? no... u get some friends, seems u need em...
Jess C.. please pull your arse cheeks as wide apart as possible, so i can jam my head up there and be just like the rest on here... save...
its pathetic :rolleyes: :rolleyes: mind... if u take a kids rattle they often start crying... u stamp yer feet jess.. go on lass!:lol:
Re: Re: Re: Since Ive been gone.... a week??? i almost fucked off an hour ago i thought these lot could banter, ive met more offensive...
Re: Re: Re: Since Ive been gone.... oh please dont... not the almighty jess...
Re: Since Ive been gone.... :rolleyes: :rolleyes: completely unbiassed moderator, good to see...
at end of day its all about the individual.. i personally wouldnt try this stuff... the buzz doenst sound nice, nor does the paranoia etc... but...
haha i think ill give 20 to a "mate" to guinea pig.. if i bell him up & hes all confused ill eat the rest :lol:
and how do u know if its an actual shroom ur getting and not just a lookalike.. cos theres a lotta posion ones that look similar aint there?
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