I do hope it stops snowing... It's really pissing me off now..cant wait for the summer, but i will be freezing tomorrow night:(
Tom empty ya box NOW...
Help... Right you lot, i need some suggestions and contact details from you please. I NEED a new job..i'm currently doing A loevels through the...
coxy last night.... was fucking spot on, had the best night out i have had in a long time:D I have just got in and it's 7:05 and i have to go...
Downloading music What does everyone use to download music, at the min i'm using kazaa - but it's a pile of wank, taking ages and cutting off the...
Techno cartoon thing.. sorry i know a few of you have seen this, but i find it amusing:D http://www.homestarrunner.com/sbemail45.html
Message from spud He just sent me a txt asking if in would put a post on the board saying he is in wetherspoons - if anyone fancies joining him...
A Student is selling her virginity on the internet for £10,000 A student is so hard up she has decided to make the ultimate sacrifice ...she is...
Happy Birthday xxsparkledxx ^^ as above:D
Karl51 has been busy.... Creating his website, here is the link: http://www.geocities.com/area51newmexico/more_lists.html
classic press cuttings Irish police are being handicapped in a search for a stolen van, because they cannot issue a description. It's a special...
Dear santa..... http://www.ogmac.co.uk/sidcup/dearsanta.htm
Carl Cox Is anyone planning on going to see carl Cox at the dig in feb?
Should euthanasia be made legal? Ok, this is from a while ago, but i was interested in what peoples views are about euthanasia....
To settle a little hoo-ha! Was there ever a spaced pod in foundation? If you dont know what it was - it was a machine thingy what took photos of...
Erick Morillo Praised Cats- Shine on Me Does anyone know of anyother remixes to this tune?
My sig I want a sig and the image i want is this: http://www.gifanimations.com/Image/Animations/Cartoons/Bart_Simpson_2.gif and i nkow...
Mexico Has any of you lot been to mexico, if so whats it like? Is there much to do? Is there any night life? Whats the food like? What are the...
Would you be an arrogant superstar DJ? http://www.internetdj.com/survey.php?func=showsurvey&surveyid=14&storyid=372 I got: You scored:...
Happy Birthday Gold Finger I dont know if you actually still use the board cos you aint been on in ages- but happy birthday:)
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