Pah the side parting/centre parting pissed all over curtains!
Aye thats the 1's. Na i went to hairdressers nd she said she'd leave the hair on bak of my neck long cos it wud look cool. It dont:mad:
Not gona happen:p
Thats the pony tail things im on about. Class!!:D
Na im trying to swing the votes. Had a side parting wen was younger:p Tis all about bein ahead the game ya know. Gota beat joe's "chimney...
And those little pony tail like things that American kids have:D :D
Whats next? We've had the "gareth gates" and the mowhawk in every direction/colour possible. So whats the next hair trend? Bring back the side...
:lol: :lol: :king:
Wish my parents were like dat. My dads like "U gota make ur own money" He makes a packet n lives the life but do i get ne of it. Do i fuk:mad:...
Ur parents minted?
HAha no. U wish then ud buy it;) See no one like there job
I gota day off. Bout to go into town
Ur parents pay 4 everytin? Sweet. How long that last though?
So wheres ur income come from?
Thats why u shud geta office job. Borin dull week but leaves w/e free. Im lookin 4 sum atm. Have also been advised to go into modiling:spangled:...
Nah its true. Thats why i want a nine til five job cos u get into routine. Done barwork n retail n they both have wacky shifts startin at 6 or...
Erm no! Very few people like their jobs. I dont like mine. But it pays the bills:)
U njoy whingin u dont av a job?;)
N counterstrike:D :D
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