i luv having a cock me :D
oi comedown kid, were only allowed 2 arse lick promise, n for a limited time only talk about GK on this board so less of the humour please. ;) :p
thats a very intellectual and well based point. your musical taste must make you superior to me then. i will stay in my freak tent at the event...
ditto but if it becomes a superclub dont really bother me, am assumin it will just have the same djs really. n aslong as they r gud will...
imo fergie was a dj with a hell of a lot of potential and used to be a brilliant hard house dj, but wen i last saw him he was shite, his set was...
maybe but i have no idea who you are
ur well cool :cool:
nah i can hav millions of neices n nephews & in my eyes ur all of eqaul importance :) but i am open 2 bribes :D and marissa dont laff at...
left out??
cheers :D
u think there is sum1 on the phone?? wonder wot it wud sound like
hahaha i wud hav loved 2 have been there 4 the comedy value. nice to see him keepin foriegn relations sweet eh
but dosnt toilet breaks mean he will steal little dave??
no worries,we can just sort it out on fri :)
dunno like there may b a decent egg for you at the Ste-ssential weeker like, jus so long as u dont desert n go 2 nickfields nehow :p n i suppose...
yeah he is after gettin fooked like cos he asked us 2 get a big bag o sweets for him this weekend :D thing is tho all his mates that were in...
yeah i forgot we were gonna snap my legs :D am goin 2 the nxt red n black mind ne how, but we can injure me just incase. bout the easter egg,...
we wouldnt all b able 2 fit in my car to cum ova, i frogot roy ad quit smokin n all, hmmmmmmm ah well just aswell his spirit is usin sparky as a...
yes, n we got 2 listen to that headfuck music where all the songs stopped n changed like in the middle aswell. dont think my brain could handle...
dont u b cheeky 2 uncle ste! im ded clever me like. will just have to get roy to explain colour change without you there then eh. can u not...
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