enuf to see me through an all day session and enough to see me through till pay day so about £3000. Place in a M&S bag next to the greggs bin...
got any deals on with the money thing ? :p
:lol: ditto
you can use my plane if you wish. I can also supply the shat also, my sisters horse puts out a goodun or two.
I had to stop before I end up with nightmares of sheep chasing me on pogo sticks :lol:
Re: Plane landing game how frustrating is that ! anyone done it yet?
did you hit the Palace last night :D ?
:lol: nice call !
Read This Before You Lick!!! A woman was working in a post office in California. One day she licked the envelopes and postage stamps instead...
well at least it amused Jambon.
Work......on a saturday how much do I regret saying that I would "be happy to work saturdays, as it will keep me in on a friday." Lots. It...
again :lol:
terrorise your neighbours pets.
:monkey: rushes out to blockbuster :lol:
and you ask for what reason ? should one have seen it ?
i am, for one reason i clicked before you all. :lol:
obviously someone with a painted on face and a green curly wig according to you.
Newcastle I can see scoring a mass of goals :lol: ***Report from TB218, Pension Credit, Tyne View Park*** With an immense view of all training...
Separate names with a comma.