:groovy: :groovy: :groovy: :hug: :hug: :hug: Im old! :D:D:D
*gasps!* I remember Akira, the one with the bondage :p Happy Birthday!
fao crashercunt lsiten to your answerfone message and do what i say cos if you dont you will fucking regret it. get out of my head!
ha! so he is going out with missy? ive been trying to get it out of people for days but no1 will tell me straight. congratulations jess my...
for what? saying hes a ****? slagging off missynotits? or posting the picture of him lying in a pool of his own vomit?
having an extremley anti martin 2005 :)
id like to draw your attention to this thread, think i need to show at least 3 threads with martin lying in a pool of his own vomit before ill be...
sowwy :blush: can i marry you instead? my boobies are bigger than allies are now
that will be why alex was chasing her :p ;)
will you marry me? we can watch comedy together and i can do ur hair :D
wasnt...he got me my 1st pill but not my 1st line of ket. it was a trusted girlie friend. mind you, the 1st line of coke i ever had...
love family guy...they are making a 4th series arent they? and red dwarf....altho series 8 gets on my tits so much. prefered it when cat...
hello. i would like to just say there is only one drug i have taken for the 1st time without researching it. that was ketamine and it was...
its tré cool! aka Frank Edwin Wright III aka the drummer from greenday aka the sexiest man ever to wear eyeliner! have another...
i jsut want sex and lots of it...dont really care if hes flexible...thats my job :P
i had some birdseye sliced beef and mixed veg intead...ill have chicky soup for tea
what should i have for lunch? tomato or chicken? (both heinz)
my come downs were never that bad but could be because i never did that much(really...well compared to martin i didnt :p) i, just generally...
thats impossible cos little mr. 'im so perfect and everybody loves me' doesnt touch drugs anymore and im apparently a junkie for having 3 joints...
wouldnt do little fellas in darlington...im not crashercunt besides, i dont know ne1 i trust that i can get them off. cant believe...
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