LMAO :lol: its funny because its true! the new ministry album looks shitter than ever - flip n fill, lasgo, ian van dahl! wot r they doin FFS!!...
lol :lol: nah, i originally put it cos i thought sum1 mite already hav the name, then i realised if sum1 had it wud've just been shit havin 2...
i cant think of an interestin story behind mine :( i did it cos i like monkeys and raving :spangled: :monkey:
wicked :)
shows how board i am, im on here in the middle of the day!:spangled: roll on friday, then off 2 france i go :D
fuckingskill fuckingclass fuckingwicked, basically :D
:lol: s'pose so :) u comin on friday? want 1? :D
LMAO!!:lol: its so true! i like it wen they show footage of him playin at gigs n he duz those funny expressions behind the dex. wot is he...
Re: Re: this is the one! most certainly did m8, that was yours truly in all his gimpish glory :D
lol, nice 1. im off now so howay peepz, keep postin n i'll check back 2moro :monkey:
lol, do it m8! the revolution is upon us :D
this is the one! ive sed this loadsa times b4 but sumthins always come up stoppin me from doin it. not this week though! peepz hav asked me loads...
not the only one! bollox! :cry:
ah cant go far wrong wif that tune m8. skill :D
i most definitely wud! ....but i leave for france the second promise is over. :( looks like im takin my stash (:chill:) elsewhere :)
did any1 hear the bargain hunters bootleg? chriss moyles played a while ago. just samples of daves catchphrases over a house track. funny as fukc...
was diggin round the other day n guess wot i found... gatecrasher - wet!! skill :D :monkey: :monkey: :monkey: :monkey: :monkey:
hav no worries, just make urself known n u'll make loadsa friends offa here. just look out 4 sum1 this friday dressed like me avatar (mask n all...
the john smiths one when theyre all doin kick ups is class. its got all the lads from me graphics course shoutin "have it! oh yes" all of the time.
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