who the fuck WUD nick a cornet?? i nicked one ages ago n there shite :D i can play the keyboard. poorly. hardly worth mentionin really :rolleyes:
nah man, he's actually draggin uz along 2 shindig this sat. any1 off the board go? wots it like? seems a bit too proggy for my likin :rolleyes:
hi there all hi havnt been on for a while how ya all doin im coming to shindig on saturday so i will see you there wioth rave monkey c ya guys soon
well dun karl, join the crew :D everythin u sed there was true, only i saw the flip n fill P.A GET IN! :rolleyes:
soz if that reply sounded bent, E.L typed it 4 uz :rolleyes:
well the pants r winning up to know come on all you people keep voting iv only got till tomorrow
cyber = pants lol, wot i mean is, shud i get a pair of cyber pants. cant afford a top aswell :( or shud i go2 feel the nise 4 the tidy boys. or...
stuck wif beasts :D innit man, at least u didnt go2 norham tech. ugh :(
LMAO!! i thought it was sheep too :D . by the way, u get me text m8y?
oh.. my... fucking... word :eek:
nah man yuz all got it wrong! dance mix 93 man! super mario land, a true classic ;)
nah, i dont weapons like guns :D just a big pointy stick
it is! he even has that horse like profile :D
who the fuck is dis prick anyways??:mad::confused: if i ever see him while im strapped...wif me bb gun :D
joe 4 team usa any1 watchin the usa v ger. match? joe is playin unde the guise of berhalter 4 usa, its the fookin spittin dabs! check it :D:eek:
i was lookin 4ward 2 this but i agreed 2 spin a few at a m8s party. shud b laff anyhow. heres to sir guy :D
u cud always go 2 ur local boot sale :) thats where i got my old ones from. course i was about 11 yrs old :D
lol! frightening thing is u probably made sense of that :D:D:D
so now me comp works afta i send u a txt. dunno whether u got it so i'll post this anyways... aye m8 cheers, actually i was thinkin bowt goin 2...
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