I think its great that theyre still into the same sorta music as us....n they must still feel young. I think its nice....after all ....ur only as...
We musta been writing it at the same time ! Sorry x
Ive got 2 essays to be in on monday.....thats depressin enough ! :(
Re: Re: dead man walking :lol: :lol: :lol:
Re: Valentine's Day Yep.....its on a monday. Casa Antonio's (italians) at Benton is really nice....really authentic. Quite cheap aswell,...
GG is on at tall trees once a mth, usually the 3rd saturday. Its really good. The next one is the 19th feb....should be a really good...
Ive seen jules play some gud sets....eg: magna revolution....but its just the fact that he's got his hand in everything that puts me off. Very...
Thats right hun.....u are !!!! U makin my tea tonight as well ??? ha ha !
When i was at ibiza last year....we stayed at the City Hotel....its about 3mins walk from Mambo....n the air con was amazing !!!! Our room was...
i agree with ya there....its probably makin more peeps donate than usual too....cos loadsa people want the bands. x
Speakin from personal experience there hun ??? he he ! Get you !
He's dead !!!! Hey everyone...... Jam'e'tron is dead n buried !!!! Only kiddin...he isnt really....but he should be for takin my car n...
Ive got one opinion....it shud be banned. Its cruel.....killing animals who have a right to live happliy in their natural habitat, just as much as...
Yeh i think it must be !
Re: star wars OR star trek? Just a personal opinion but im not into either of them......in fact i dont know many girls who are! Maybe its a...
Ill defo be there....as u already know! MARK EG!!!! :D
Sorry this is a bit late......but Happy Birthday hun......hope u had a cracking day! Ellielou n Jam'e'tron :)
I wish.....went the year b4 last for the first time......cant afford it this year unfortunately and gettin married next year so who knows when the...
Ive been at work all over xmas....had new year off tho. Back to uni in a couple of weeks. Hope everyone had a good hol !
Not me u shud be sayin sorry to
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