haha, its not that mellow Pete.... Eash, i remember the days when you loved the trance man!! :love:
Good good, try your best to get Farah out too :)
Ahhh i see, which uni you at? Thats what i did and ended up staying here!! lol.....5th year here now!!! :o
Shut it Mrs....You love Scouseland!! :wink: Not fancy? x
You coming??? :D :D :D Join the Motley crew and dooo it!!! None of this crasher shite :wink:
Did you come down to Liverpool for Creams Birthday like?? Roll on boxing day when he's on again! :D
Got this on now, I love Big Sky!! A bit dated now, but still love it!! :love:
Looks quality, i'll be there. :up: It would be rude not to when its on my doorstep....Armin & Swedish House Mafia....Cant wait! :D
He's not man, always a good night be had when Armins playing. Radio shows alone are class!! :)
Quite fancy it like, many of your lot going? :up: Zoe.. you fancy?? :cool2:
DJ mag no. 1 DJ.... Judging by the Matt Hardwick board, its looks as if Mr Buuren has won the number 1 DJ spot this year :) Good on him i say,...
LOL, as soon as i saw that i knew it couldnt be Purvy! :lol:
Were already going to the Xmas party with Armin & Blake Jarrell, quite fancy this to be honest.....should have bought both sets of tickets...
It sure was chick :love: & it was fun getting dressed up and stuff!! :) You got anything planned for xmas/newyear like? Not sure which city to...
Me too :( Dont think i'm gonna bother this year. They were better when they were on the 27th, fells like its too much of a rush after Xmas...!
Gutted for you's both! I hate thieves :evil: :evil:
Happy Birthday Slash! :) Hope your well and have a fab day xx
How long ago did you live in Winlaton? :cool2:
Blaydon/Winlaton-but i moved to Scousland about 4 years ago for uni and ended up staying here!! :)
Hehe, they made me laugh....esp the one wheres he's with a group of dancers and the watch one!! :lol:
Separate names with a comma.