no we are not talking about a group of people we are talking about these certain people who act like tits and dress like a fancey babana well...
that ends it all i recon like:D
and your point is nothing to do with the debate 2 girls 2 boys no probs but when u get a 6'11" stubbly 40year old dressed i glitter...
people people we could go on all night it is the small minority that freak me out man, not some mornal canny lad who just happens to bat for...
nah lets not get back into this again!!! we all said what we think and believe should leave it as that i recon :p
looks like its just me and you stuck in a corner of the next dig surronded by the freaks :lol: :lol: :lol:
yeah see u there ill be the one in the feather bower and pink knee high boots :lol: peace!!
thats what iv been saying they can do what they like, just i dont like it i personally wouldnt go to a club again if it had drag queens etc in...
glad its googled keep them away:lol: :lol: :lol:
ok then i am sorry it got out of hand!!! i think that shindig will be a good as ever gay area or not!! ITS ALL ABOUT HOUSE MUSIC!!!!
not at all, i think u all blowing this way out of preportion as the heading asks is digital a gay club and by the looks of that pic then yes...
exactly say no more :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: your opinion is your opinion
and u never will either in them places ull end up a spinster
finish it off .......
looks that way
right on sister, you go girl nice lashes blah blah blah if u want BE GAY BUT DONT BE A TIT ABOUT IT!!!!:chill:
ok then i also fucking hate when u get two gay woman and one is a nice looking girl and the other is a big butch man looking girl i dont see the...
NAH i understand that prople have a hard time and i would never condone that i also have a gay friend but they is being gay and being gay i...
its just shit iv been a few places where people like that have been and if u'r not gay thet hound u and wind u up i know its just for a laugh but...
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