No, Elephants trunk.............. Sheesh!!!
Did anyone...... Notice a phantom shuffler at Foundation last week? A girl I know had 'Harry Monk' all down her back when she left. Dear...
You forgot to put 'HERE' below 'BOSH'
Is that your butt in the avatar?
Jesus lads. Put your money and assumptions away you're way off the mark. I am me. Not anyone else who posts on here. I AM ME!!!...
Is that your butt in the picture?
A bit like 'electro house' then.
I am ME! No one else. Why are you all so suspicious? Is a sense of humour so rare on here that its met with aprehension? Who are you by the way?...
Who are you? The board stool pigeon. No one likes a grass.
Can you see her goats toe?
No it isn't!! I am ME!! No one else of this board- ME! Put your little alias theory to bed mate because you couldn't be more wrong.
Birds in clubs with cock hockle dripping from the corner of their mouth.
Crack on lad! Though you need some sort of tittie fettle marking scheme where you can give them marks for firmness, how full the hand is, how...
What? A 'Tron' like character who exists in webworld simply to harrass norberts, clowns and numptees? Nah. But I'm out tonight. In my new...
You couldn't fill your pants. And you DON'T know where I live. I wish you did, I'd set the dogs on you.
Haha youre tripping. My name sure ain't Jim. Nork.:love:
Why? I'm new, my name is Justice. I'd never use 'fo sho' in a sad white boy gone ghetto fashion either. Are you wanabee middle class perchance?
Eh? What you on about woman. Get back in the kitchen and cook more pies. NOW!!!!
Fao Joe Why do people think I'm you under an alias? Are you a snatch addict too?
Justice makes passes at girls in glasses Got any lumo lingerie?
Separate names with a comma.