that was yonks ago though, could do 8 minute miles back then... but did a run 1st time for years last week and did 5 miles at 10mins a mile.. if I...
sheeeite! 3.45 is a fookin fast time anyway :o I did great north run in bout 1.50 and was plsd with that!
haha, is it really! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
but there's nowt wrong I'd have thought with you going along to support your mate there's not really hard and fast etiquette, just whatever the...
:up: that's a sexy fucking flyer though innit! makes me wanna go just by itself :love: scoobz, which half of deep dish is on?
well done, you must be knacked!! what time did you do it in?
gimme a guestie and I'm there :cool: what does george is on mean?
see I just got as far as welsh in that sentence and lost interest immediately :p
spot on, but green eyes... but nor many green or blue eyed brunettes kicking about :(
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
fuckin hell, good luck with that did half marathon ages ago and that was far enough
"Simon looks like he's trying to hide something with his jumper" and... "Simon looks like a stick! Edit: And also like my old photography...
emo=emotional term usually applied to fucked up teenage girls who wear too much eye liner, think they're special and no-one understands them...
is that the same bird as jambon's emo teenage year old??
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: where's me camera, I want 1
happy birthday mullet king :king:
:lol: who rattled your cage this morning.... what you up to this weekend is banter!! chill winston :chill:
welcome to the wonderful world of having a debate with Joe ;)
is that you in your av ben? what you need to find is your inner happiness and contentment. The only path to true enlightment is learning to...
nah, I'm out the loop these days mate. Saw him the other week and thought he looked a bit camp, but couldn't put my finger on it :camp: fuckin...
Separate names with a comma.