Is DJ Ben Alonzi in this???? He'd storm it I'm sure :cool:
:lol: :lol: :lol:
aww that sounds so cute :love: is it pink?
nah, that was a regular cheesy nightclub, bottle of beer was the same.... guess whose round it was :cry: :cry: :cry:
whateva :p
give her a break man... she probly didn't know HTML was techy speak
oooh Deep Dish :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: I might
well she's got the hots for him apparently, so it's unlikely :p
oh and wrong forum!!! ban him Jess
yeah, so get back to straightening your hair and leave the coding to real men :p
anyway shut up you, just cos you fancy him :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love:
I didn't fool, I worked it out from what he said :dunce:
GHD's are hair straighteners yeah???? See real men shouldn't know that sort of thing
I'm truly appalled at this generation... give him a slap from me paul... with a closed fist right between the eyes
woah, hold on..... some blokes straighten their hair??? :o :o that's the gayest thing I ever heard :camp:
my hair is bout 3mm long so straight anyway... that ok? always wash though, that is mandatory
also optional :cool:
:lol: fuckin right. a watch sometimes is allowable, but that's it
ok, i'll get me arse in gear and type the name into emule then so not as good as the music jambon?
Separate names with a comma.