My weekend was totally class ! I was in swutzerland visiting me par for a few days and on fri went out in geneva with a few mates , eneded up...
my bad try it anyway see what happens . :lol:
Would still bloody work tho :wink:
Nat just flash em your chebs love ,,, theyl let you off with the other 8 days :D I would :p
49 Goals 130 appearances
ive still got mine from the testimonial . Quality night that was ! :love:
Re: Re: Magnas £4.00 youve been ripped off there mate
magners is qaulity but actually since trying ive got into drinking cyder with lots of ice and there all pretty niuce that way tbf !
thats just a mackems interpretation of the metro line man . looks a bit complicated mind :o
We all new it had been posted shaun we were laughing at the chandler refrence :D
:lol: I can see you now both dressed in burberry shovling mushrooms through your gold plated teeth while she struggles to keep her head up under...
ffs youb wait all that time to reply then come back with nobsack :lol: you were dropped on the head a lot as a child wernt you ...actually...
:lol: The truth is always funny :lol:
The cream will always rise to the top . Look at boro they have loads of good kids coming through . Newcastle have Taylor and rammage , man u...
:lol: your crack really does stink :lol:
Do you use Femfresh ?
quick editing :confused:
Happy bday Jimi :D have a gud one
Re: Working... Me and ness used to work at marksy's financial services in the haymarket store , every thursday , friday , sat , sunday and...
Separate names with a comma.