Living on your own may cost a lot more but it's much better than living with your parents. Imagine being able to have afters in your own house...
Ruth's brother is a gas and heating engineer :D
You're gonna miss a belter. Getting a camera tomorrow though so can get some pics for ya :D
Sickening :cry: I don't dare let my cats out for fear of something happening to them. My mate lost 3 cats from this street in the space of a...
I've never wanted to go to Ibiza and don't think I ever will. I've only ever been on one wild holiday and I needed a week off work after to...
Weekend plans What's everyone up to this weekend then? I'm having a quite night on Fri to prepare for the shenigans that'll last the rest of...
Oops, forgot congratulations :D
I'm hoping to take my test soon. Been learning on and off for 8 years now, more off then on. Was about to do my test a year ago and got really...
I don't know why people still take a bit of banter on here so seriously. I try to wind her up for a laugh she does the same. It's always been like...
:lol: :lol:
I've got a cheapy battery powered one and it's much better than a normal one. Cleans my teeth much better :D
Like you can't guess what gas and elctric bills are gonna be cos it varies so much from house to house :D
:lol: :lol: I find that canny funny. The amount I spend on a weekly shop varies between £30 and about £150 :lol:
How can a mortage advisor tell you what you're gonna spend on food :confused: Did you give him a list to go get prices for? :lol:
I dont earn a shit load and neither does my fella but we get by. I'd rather have my own place and do without a few things than be living with my...
I'd say £100 at least for council tax I pay £90 a month and Consett is well cheap compared to most areas. Gas and Electric approx £60 a month...
I aint got a clue how much council tax is anywahere other than Consett :D Bills depend on age of house, size, number of radiators , appliances etc
Council tax is poll tax:D
It wasn't default. You had enough legitimate votes to be in the top 5 :D
I think someone once told me egg boxes work quite well :lol:
Separate names with a comma.