DJSequoia....fellow bttf fan! :):):):):):)
ooooh! or ya could get burtha to do em! :)
they cost about £5-£10 to make yer own
nah, its always been that way.... i aint got a clue who 1/2 these groups are nowadays...i had to take pix at the smash hits party a few weeks...
sorry i really shouldnt laff but that is funny it was reet miserable eh?
haha he signed mikes £5 at the uni:rolleyes: maybe he was havin a bad nite
findin old uns, defo :)
cheers hun! much appreciated!:)
actually i got a fukkin shit hot poota now so shove that in yer pipe n smoke it!
please tell me..... of any websites i can down load mp3s from.... only just got cd burner, so never been able to it b4....n i aint got a cloo...
please tell me! if u's no of any decent websites i can download lotsa mp3s from ta x
hehehe! some1 got snap happy!! good piccies hun!! fink u got one of just about everybody there! xx
...........or has he 4gotten his password too?:confused:
look at the members list under tigger then...
Re: Re: most treasured purchase of 2002? hehe!! good man! i cant stop playin it....n i never get bored! :D
LMFAO! how funny is this thread!! well done!! :)
bein wif me mates, gettin into the moozik and havin a jolly good time :)
Re: Promise On Tour? without a doubt....there should defo be another one!! try n get lots more peeps to go too!! :):):):)
i feel a little lost actually! i keep flickin from one forum to the next!! we need somewhere to hang out!! lol! nah, seriously tho...there...
i cant help but listen out for mixes now which is a pitty really....but if im smashed then to be honest i rarely notice..... tune selection is...
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