:( cant beleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeev i missed sasha :( poop!
hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm......somewhere i never really venture....but mite try next time i go!
mint! fancy roundin up e/b else n doin wot we did last time?? few drinks, film....food? o defo food! mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm...............
hahaha!! nah i aint bein flippant about it! its gunna be one of the most fabberooni nites of the year.....but im working on sat and wont no wot...
ive piched this one from some1....but its the only one io have at wrk
harry potter! yes, im affraid im one of those sad adults who loves all things potter-ish!! im really lookin 4ward to sittin in a cinema full...
nice name! lol!! allo n welcome!! :)
hmmmmmmmmmmmmm..... do i get in freeee?? ;)
waaaaaaaaaaah! a minty nitey then!! good good!!
how was john kelly? wot did i miss?? tell all! dont be affraid!
not sure bowt this one yet!! i mite try n come along :)
u n me both hun!! infact i think its nearer 4 weeks for me now :(:(:(:(:(
hhhhhaaaaaaa! how funny is this thread?!:D tiz like kiddies at school!! pike ur a nutter!
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!! i see! feel like im losin touch coz i aint been on here much l8ly!
:( hope u all have a mintos time! il be all cuddled up in me new front room!! heheheh!
no probs not. if the djs wernt to my liking then they wouldnt be to my friends liking and so promise wouldnt be wot it is now.......if that makes...
ive lost it wot happend?
mint idea!! i reckon its worth a go? love the prezzie idea!! heheh!!:D
tongue x 1 ears x 13 belly x 1 eyebrow had done once now healed nose done twice now healed :(
i fink we all need to start goin back! make a stand!:D
Separate names with a comma.